Public Health Nursing Intervention Wheel – Flashcards

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What is the PHN Intervention Wheel?
An organized approach to public health nursing interventions that are applicable to the community, the system, and the individual
What are the assumptions underlying the intervention wheel?
1. You're practicing PHN 2. You have a population you're focusing on 3. You've considered SDOH 4. You're guided by communities' priorities 5. You want to emphasize prevention 6. You're using the nursing process 7. You want a common set of interventions 8. You want to do something on all 3 levels
What are the 3 levels of practice in the intervention wheel?
Individual = Goal is to identify individuals that need specific attention Community = Goal is to increase knowledge & attitude of entire community System = Goal is to change laws, practices, policies that influence other 2 levels
What are the components of the wheel?
1. Population based (focused on populations with specific needs recognized through a nursing assessment) 2. Has 3 levels of practice (while different, they contribute together to overall population health and PHNs often intervene on all 3 levels simultaneously) 3. Has 17 public health interventions (applicable to all 3 levels of care, with few exceptions)
Which interventions are not applicable to an individual level?
community organizing coalition building
Case finding is the individual level of what community and system based interventions?
surveillance disease investigation outreach screening (the other reds)
What are the colors of the wheel?
Red = individual & family Green = individual & family Blue = individual & family Orange = systems, community Yellow = systems, community
What is a population at risk? Population of interest?
Population at risk = a population with a common identified risk factor or risk exposure that poses a threat to health (people with diabetes are at risk for CVD) Population of interest = a population that is essentially healthy but that could improve factors that promote or protect health (healthy adolescents & sexual health classes)
What are the levels of prevention?
Primary = protects against threats to health, keeps problem from happening in the first place (immunizations) Secondary = detects problems and treats them in early stages, keeps problem from causing serious or long-term effects (screenings for HTN) Tertiary = limits further negative effects, keeps a problem from getting worse (directly observed therapy or DOT to ensure medication compliance in tb patients)
What are the 10 essential services of PHN Practice?
1. Monitor health status to identify problems 2. Diagnose & investigate problems 3. Educate people about health issues 4. Mobilize community partnerships to help solve problems 5. Develop policies, plans 6. Enforce laws that protect health/safety 7. Link needed help with individuals in need 8. Ensure a competent public health & personal health workforce 9. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, & quality of services 10. Research for new solutions in health problems
What is the PHN Process?
1. Community assessment (obesity stats for kids in a certain community) 2. Community diagnosis (unacceptable overweight/obese percentage in children in community) 3. Community action plan (we need to start a 24 week intervention program involving x, y, z) 4. Community implementation plan (social marketing, health teaching, collaboration, surveillance) 5. Community evaluation (following up with statistics/assessments, was it effective?)
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