Test Questions on Chapter 20 – Flashcards

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1. List 4 actions included in self-care
-You need to be a good observer of your own body and assess your symptoms -You must be able to decide when to seek professional advice and when you can safely deal with the problem on your own -You need to know how to safely and effectively self-treat common medical problems -you need to know how to develop a partnership with physicians and how to carry out treatment plans
Define Complementary Medicine
Unconventional medical practices that are used together with conventional ones
3. Differentiate between complementary, alternative an integrated medicine
Complementary medicines are those used with conventional methods, whereas alternative medicines are used instead of conventional methods. Integrated medicines are conventional health care that is augmented by unconventional modalities
Discuss 4 characteristics included in the model of Western medicine that distinguishes it different than other forms of medicine
The disease should be caused by physical factors instead of mental or spiritual imbalance, almost every disease is defined by a certain set of signs and symptoms which means it pertains to a biological disturbances instead of the individual, a disease can be caused by either internal or external factors, and western medicine is based on the scientific method of obtaining knowledge and using scientific explanations
State 3 different terms that refer to the dominate health care system in the U.S. & parts of Europe.
Conventional medicine, standard Western medicine, and biomedicine
Identify 3 groups that have been identified as using CAM practices more often than the general population
People with chronic conditions like cancer, asthma, and HIV infections
State the 5 most frequently used CAM practices among adults
Natural products, deep breathing exercises, meditation, chiropractic care, and massage
Discuss 4 questions to discuss with your physician or pharmacist when considering CAM.
Safety-Is there something unsafe about the treatment for you specifically? Effectiveness- Is there evidence-based research about the use of therapy for your condition Timing- Is the immediate use of a conventional treatment indicated? Cost-is the therapy likely to be expensive, especially in light of the potential benefit?
Define Holistic Health Care
Practice that takes into account the whole person-body, mind, and spirit- when assessing, treating, and preventing illnesses and maintaining health
Discuss gender differences when seeking health care
Women are more likely to seek health care and report complementary and alternative therapies. Gender roles play a part in this as does the reproductive health care needs that women have
State two reasons for the differences stated in objective #10.
Gender roles play a part in this as does the reproductive health care needs that women have
Define the NCCAM
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Discuss the goal of the NCCAM
Established to apply rigorous scientific standards for proving or disproving the safety and effectiveness of CAM
Differentiate between a M.D. and D.O.
An M.D. is a practitioner that holds a doctor of medicine degree from an accredited medical school, and a D.O. is someone that receives a post-graduate degree in their field
Define the placebo effect
It occurs when a patient improves after receiving placebo, which is a chemically inactive substance that a patient believes is an effective therapy for his or her condition
List and describe 4 examples of Whole Medical Systems.
Alternative medical systems- systems of healing theory that have evolved independently; Mind-body Medicine- Practices that use thoughts, beliefs, and other mental activities to affect the health and functioning of the physical body; Natural biologic products-plant and animal products used as medicinal and dietary supplements; Manipulative and body-based practices- Methods for adjusting, moving or touching the body to promote health and healing
List and describe 2 Biological based therapies.
Plant Herbals and animal products used as medicinal and dietary supplements
List and describe 5 energy therapies.
Magnet therapy-the use of electromagnetic fields to manage pain, increases blood flow, and treat conditions like arthritic pain Light therapy- EEG, ECG, and MRI all have to do with the body's electromagnetic field and response to light Reiki-practice intended to correct disturbances in the flow of life energy and enhance the body's healing powers through the use of various hand positions on the patient Qigong-a component of traditional Chinese medicine that combines movement, meditation, and regulation of breathing to enhance the flow of qi Therapeutic touch-practice based on the premise that healers can identify ad correct energy imbalances by passing their hands over the patient's body
List and describe 7 mind body practices
Meditation-relaxation that produces a positive impact on health Hypnosis-the practitioner induces a state of relaxation in which the patient is more likely to achieve an agreed-upon health outcome commonly used for managing pain, phobias, and addiction Prayer-relaxation that reduces stress Guided imagery-relaxation that reduces stress Art therapy- mind and body connection that relaxes Music therapy- mind and body connection that reduces stress Emotive writing- mind and body connection that reduces stress
List and describe 3 manipulative and body based practices.
Chiropractic- a system of manual healing most frequently used to treat musculoskeletal problems Osteopathic manual therapy- relieves joint pain Massage- commonly used to relieve back pain
State 4 target populations/situations that make people more vulnerable to medical fraud or quackery
-False advertising claims -False labeling on a product -Adverse reaction to a supplement -Unlawful internet sales
Differentiate between Medicare and Medicaid
Medicare is typically for individuals aged 65 or older and those with certain illnesses, and Medicaid is for certain disabled and low-income individuals
List 5 factors contributing to the high costs of health care in the U.S.
The cost of advanced equipment, the cost of new technology, expensive treatments for some illnesses, the aging of the population, and the demand for profits by may commercial health care providers
State the 2 main actions the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 has to assist uninsured Americans.
-Subsidizing insurance coverage for Americans who cannot afford it -Placing tighter restrictions on the insurance industry
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