Should Steroids Be Banned From Society Essay Example
Should Steroids Be Banned From Society Essay Example

Should Steroids Be Banned From Society Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3054 words)
  • Published: December 29, 2018
  • Type: Research Paper
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Exploring the debate surrounding the prohibition of steroids, this research paper questions whether society should consider banning them. It is truly astonishing to witness the extreme measures athletes take in order to enhance their performance and gain a competitive edge. Regrettably, the long-term consequences resulting from decisions made during adolescence, particularly regarding steroid usage, are often overlooked. Notably, steroid use among athletes witnessed a significant increase in the 1950s, particularly during events like the Olympics.

The problem of steroid use among athletes came to public attention when Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson tested positive for steroids after winning the gold medal in the 100-meter dash at the 1988 Olympics. Nowadays, even young and slender fifteen-year-olds can easily find sellers at their local gym to obtain this drug, which can earn them respect from their peer


s. However, despite seeming innocuous to those who are unaware, steroids carry substantial risks. Both novice and experienced users often underestimate the harmful impact that steroids can have on their physical and mental health.

Despite the low number of deaths caused by steroids, their ban is justified because they have dangerous side effects. Although steroids are known to be hazardous, they are still legal and clinical studies have not yet proven a direct link between steroid use and these potential side effects. Even though autopsies have shown evidence of steroid usage in some individuals who died, it does not necessarily mean that steroids are lethal drugs. Some medical professionals support this perspective and argue that since steroids are legal and the decision to use them is up to the individual, they do not pose a problem for society.

Millions of individuals consume alcohol and cigarette

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daily, despite their harmful effects on the body. Surprisingly, there hasn't been a movement advocating for the prohibition of these substances. However, steroids are treated differently and questioned as to why. Some argue that professional athletes' use of steroids puts pressure on young athletes to do the same, even if it contradicts their personal morals. This is because they realize that they cannot effectively compete with opponents who enhance their performance using steroids. Nevertheless, some argue that competition functions in this way. Whether it's race car drivers or gymnasts, people consistently push themselves to their limits every day, always striving to go faster or perform more challenging tricks. Many believe that their determination to win drives them to take risks similar to football players, wrestlers, or weightlifters who opt for steroids to enhance their abilities. These risks can be compared to taking corners slightly faster or attempting an extra flip in a routine.

There are those who argue that steroid abuse is morally justified and that they can enhance performance in sports and other activities. While no definitive medical research has proven a direct link between steroid abuse and severe medical consequences, many long-term users experiencing significant health issues believe these problems are a result of their steroid abuse. Additionally, alcohol and cigarettes contribute to the deaths of thousands annually.

Frequently, we witness loved ones and acquaintances suffering from illnesses and health issues resulting from smoking and excessive drinking, often leading to premature and devastating deaths. These firsthand experiences serve as compelling motivations for individuals to refrain from engaging in such harmful habits. Likewise, young athletes find themselves confronting a parallel situation when their revered sports idols

experience debilitating health conditions caused by steroids.

These professionals openly discuss their past steroid abuse in the hope of persuading the numerous young athletes who engage in steroid abuse every day to make the right choice and refrain from using steroids. I find it difficult to believe that young athletes can simply disregard the warnings of these individuals who have experienced the consequences of such abuse. One contributing factor to this may be the lack of education young athletes receive about steroids. Nonetheless, when they witness the long-term effects of steroids on professional athletes like Lyle Alzado, they should realize the importance of giving up such abuse, even if it means sacrificing the opportunity to win a gold medal or achieve a muscular physique they have always desired. By listening to the experiences and possible deaths resulting from addiction recounted by former abusers, users may be persuaded to give up their addiction. In the end, they will discover that they are at an advantage as they will live longer and enjoy a healthier life.

In addition to causing severe physiological and psychological dependencies, steroids also have a consistent impact on the underground of ripped steroid users, leading to personal problems for both the user and their friends and family. Once a young user achieves their desired chiseled physique, giving up steroids and returning to their previous scrawny body would be their worst nightmare. Athletes who discover the performance advantages gained from steroids quickly become accustomed to the edge they provide and soon develop cravings for more.

It is no longer an option for him to abruptly quit his addiction and return to being second best. Like most addictions,

these addictions will result in the individual losing interest in their relationships with friends and family, focusing solely on improving their physical appearance and athletic abilities (Hemme, pg 58). Furthermore, the drug is known to cause "roid rages" (Voy, pg. 223), which involve sudden outbursts of aggression and mistreatment towards anyone the individual comes into contact with.

This text discusses the negative effects of steroid abuse, specifically among non-athletes. While athletes have an outlet for their aggression through sports, non-athletes face more severe consequences. These can include heightened sexual desire, abnormal sexual behavior, and episodes of psychosis (Voy, pg. 223). It is crucial for family and friends to take necessary actions to help those struggling with steroid addiction overcome it due to its severe impacts. Additionally, adolescent steroid abusers may experience physical and psychological complications with permanent consequences. Interestingly, there has been a noticeable rise in teenage usage of these "natural drugs" in recent years.

Despite being derived from natural sources, drugs like Marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms are not harmless. These substances pose risks to the body because they contain toxins produced by these plants as a defense mechanism against consumption. Additionally, although steroids come from testosterone, a natural male hormone, their concentration exceeds the levels naturally produced by our bodies.

The high concentration of steroids in our bodies is unquestionably toxic and can lead to detrimental side effects. This heightened impact is particularly perilous for teenagers who are unaware of the amplified effects that steroids exert on them. According to medical experts, these colossal doses not only affect the muscles but also impact the sex organs, nervous system, and brain (Schrof, pg. 235). Neil Carolan cautions that

even a brief period of misuse in a child whose body and brain chemistry are still developing can have immensely harmful and potentially permanent consequences. The deaths of multiple high school athletes annually as a result of steroid use provide ample justification for their prohibition.

Therefore, it is crucial for high school physical education teachers to focus on educating students about the effects and ethical concerns associated with steroids. It may come as a shock to parents when they find out that their child is abusing steroids. However, society's constant push for exceptional athletic performance in children, combined with a lack of understanding about the dangers and repercussions of steroid use, is to blame. In the realm of women's sports, it is not uncommon for female athletes to put their health at risk by resorting to steroid usage - an inappropriate choice for females since they are derived from testosterone.

Women naturally produce estrogen, a hormone also found in men. However, when women engage in steroid cycling, they consume large amounts of steroids that can result in various detrimental side effects (Hemme, pg. 158). The specific effects of steroid abuse on women are not fully comprehended, including potential long-term repercussions.

The initial consequences of steroids on women comprise a deepened voice, scalp hair loss, facial hair growth, chest and back hair growth, and genital problems. It is improbable for a woman to persist in utilizing steroids after encountering these outcomes. Certain women may not acknowledge the potential harm that steroids can inflict upon their bodies; nevertheless, the perilous effects of these drugs on women and all individuals are adequate justification for their prohibition. The absence of official research

should not warrant the legal presence of steroids in society. Irrespective of the absence of undeniable evidence validating the detrimental side effects of steroids, it does not indicate their nonexistence.

The use of steroids has become so widespread that we must take action to eliminate their sanctioned use due to the increasing number of individuals suffering from addiction. Retired athletes are admitting more and more frequently to using steroids during their careers, firmly believing that their current medical issues are a direct result of steroid abuse. It is crucial for people to listen to these retired athletes and learn from their experiences in order to educate our youth about the dangers associated with steroid use. Furthermore, there is an urgent need for comprehensive professional research on the long-term and short-term effects of steroids on men, women, and adolescents. Banning steroids will not only improve the lives of current users but also prevent further spread of steroid addiction in our communities.

Research Paper: Should Steroids Be Banned From Society? It is astounding what lengths athletes will go to in order to achieve higher levels of performance and gain an advantage over their competitors. Often, people fail to grasp the lasting consequences that arise from decisions made early in life.

In major sporting events like the Olympics, steroid use among athletes became popular during the 1950s. The prominence of this trend came to light when Ben Johnson, a Canadian sprint runner, tested positive for steroids after winning the gold medal in the 100-meter dash at the 1988 Olympics. Presently, even teenagers can effortlessly locate vendors at nearby gyms and acquire steroids to gain popularity among their peers. Nevertheless, although it

may appear harmless to those who are uninformed, steroids can lead to potentially dangerous outcomes.

Despite being legal, many users are unaware of the dangerous consequences that steroids can have on their bodies and minds. While there is no definitive clinical study establishing a direct link between steroid use and potential side effects, their ban is fully justified due to the highly hazardous side effects they impose on unsuspecting users. Even though steroids may have a relatively low death rate in society, these cases alone do not demonstrate that steroids are a lethal drug as claimed by some medical professionals.

Although some proponents argue that steroids should not be considered a societal issue because they are legal and it is an individual's choice to use them, critics may claim that aspiring athletes feel pressured to use steroids due to their prevalence among professional athletes, even if it goes against their personal beliefs. This is because they recognize that they cannot effectively compete against opponents who enhance performance with steroids. However, one could argue in response that this is just how competition functions. Despite the harmful effects on health, alcohol and cigarettes are consumed by millions daily without any calls for their prohibition. Hence, why should steroids be treated differently?

Race car drivers and gymnasts, like football players, wrestlers, and weightlifters who use steroids to improve their skills, constantly push themselves to excel. Some argue that the intense desire to win justifies steroid abuse as a means of enhancing performance in sports and other activities. However, there is currently no concrete medical evidence linking steroid abuse to severe health consequences. Nonetheless, many chronic users facing significant medical challenges attribute

them to their past use of steroids.

The consumption of alcohol and cigarettes is responsible for the loss of numerous lives annually, resulting in various diseases and health complications for loved ones. These adversities often lead to premature and sorrowful death, serving as a convincing motive for many individuals to refrain from indulging in drinking or smoking.

Young athletes often witness their former athletic idols experiencing health issues resulting from steroid use. These professionals openly confess their past steroid abuse, aiming to dissuade the numerous young athletes who engage in such abuse each day from making the same mistake. It astonishes me how easily young athletes disregard the warnings issued by these suffering individuals. This disregard can be attributed, in part, to the insufficient education regarding steroids provided to young athletes.

However, witnessing the long-term effects of steroids on professional athletes like Lyle Alzado should make users understand the necessity of quitting their abuse, even if it means sacrificing winning a gold medal or attaining a desired muscular body. By listening to the experiences and potential deaths of former addicts, users may be convinced to give up their addiction and ultimately lead longer and healthier lives. The deep physical and mental dependencies caused by steroids are universally seen among underground steroid users, leading to personal problems not just for the user, but also for their family and friends. Once a young user achieves their desired sculpted physique, there is no turning back - giving up steroids would be their worst nightmare, as it would mean reverting back to their previously scrawny body. Athletes who discover the performance advantages bestowed by steroids will quickly become accustomed to this edge

and will soon crave more.

The option of him simply quitting his addiction abruptly and returning to a lesser position is no longer viable. These addictions, like most others, result in the individual losing interest in their relationships with friends and family and instead focusing solely on physical enhancements and athletic prowess (Hemme, pg 58). Moreover, the drug is known to induce "roid rages" (Voy, pg. 223), which involve sudden outbursts of violence and mistreatment towards anyone the user encounters. Non-athletic steroid abusers typically experience this scenario in a more severe manner as athletes like football players can partially release their anger on the field.

According to Voy (pg. 223), severe addictions can exhibit signs like heightened libido, abnormal sexual behavior, and psychotic episodes. Due to the serious consequences of steroid addiction, it is crucial for the abuser's loved ones to intervene and provide the necessary assistance. Teenagers who abuse steroids may face various intricate physiological and psychological issues, some of which can have long-lasting effects.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the use of "natural drugs" among teenagers. They mistakenly believe that substances like Marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms are harmless to their bodies because they are derived from natural sources. However, just because Marijuana comes from a plant found in nature or hallucinogenic mushrooms are naturally grown in farm pastures does not negate their potential harmful effects on the body. It is important to note that these substances are actually toxins produced by plants as a defense mechanism against consumption by animals and humans.

Although steroids contain testosterone, a natural male hormone, their concentration is much higher than what our bodies produce naturally. This

elevated concentration is undoubtedly toxic and can lead to harmful side effects. In particular, at a young age, any substance, including drugs, tends to have a more potent effect. Teenagers are often unaware of the amplified impact that steroids can have on their bodies, which makes this drug increasingly dangerous for them.

According to medical experts, high doses of steroids can have detrimental effects on the muscles, sex organs, and nervous system, including the brain (Schrof, pg. 235). Neil Carolan cautions that even a short period of steroid abuse during a child's developmental stage can be extremely harmful and potentially permanent. The fact that several high school athletes die each year due to steroid use should be sufficient reason to ban them. Consequently, if professional athletes are known to use steroids, young high school athletes may mistakenly believe that steroids are harmless. It is therefore important for high school physical education instructors to educate their students about the effects of steroids and the ethical implications. Parents often discover their child's steroid abuse with shock, but the constant pressure for children to excel in sports and the lack of education about the dangers and effects of steroids shift the blame from the child to society.

Competition among women's athletics is becoming increasingly aggressive, leading many female athletes to resort to harmful usage of steroids. This situation is alarming because steroids, which are derived from the male hormone testosterone, are not appropriate for women. Women naturally release a hormone called Estrogen, which is similar but distinct from testosterone. The excessive doses of steroids taken by women during "cycling" can result in numerous perilous side effects (Hemme, pg.).

158). The side

effects of steroid abuse in women are uncertain, including long-term effects. Short-term effects include deepened voice, hair loss, facial and body hair growth, and genital problems. It is unlikely that a woman would continue using steroids after experiencing these immediate effects. Some women may not believe that steroids harm their body. However, the harmful effects of these drugs on women and all individuals serve as justification for their prohibition.

The absence of official research should not justify the legal presence of steroids in our society. The absence of undeniable proof demonstrating the harmful side effects of steroids should not be mistaken for their nonexistence. It is imperative that we eliminate the sanctioned use of steroids once we witness how many individuals suffer from addiction to them. As time passes, more and more renowned retired athletes confess to using steroids during their careers and firmly believe that the medical complications they currently face are a direct consequence of their abuse of these substances. It is crucial that people heed the advice of these retired athletes and utilize their experiences with steroid use to educate our young population about the associated hazards.

In addition, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the long and short-term impact of steroids on men, women, and adolescents. This research is long overdue and necessary. It is evident that by prohibiting steroids, not only will it improve the well-being of current users, but it will also curb the escalation of steroid addiction within our communities.

Works cited: Voy, Robert. Drugs, Sport, and Politics.

Leisure Press, 1991 Schrof, Joannie M. Pumped Up. U.S. News & World Report, 1992 Hemme, John. Steroids in the 90s.


Press, 1994, Bibliography:

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