Recruitment and selection process in Tesco Essay Example
Recruitment and selection process in Tesco Essay Example

Recruitment and selection process in Tesco Essay Example

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  • Pages: 11 (2949 words)
  • Published: August 31, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Recruitment & Selection Policy

The recruitment process at Tesco includes using employment agencies, websites, and newspapers. However, since Tesco is already a well-known company in the retail sector in the UK, it does not need to advertise extensively.

Recruitment Procedure

Grievances Policy:

The grievances policy is an important aspect of workforce policy, addressing factors that contribute to workplace issues such as stress, fatigue, personal problems, health problems, and other social issues. Tesco places significant importance on this policy, ensuring that employee issues are not ignored or neglected due to pressure or excessive workloads.

Training and Development Policy:

The company has a policy that focuses on training and development, aiming to create an organization where employees feel that they can g


row their careers as much as possible. This policy is designed to meet staffing and training needs.

Rewards &  Management Policy:

Detailed information about rewards and management policies will be provided in the literature, with the aim of ensuring that employees feel valued, motivated, and committed to their employer.

It is also a great way to introduce competition among employees and their competitive strategies. Premiums and policy management are also a clear form of access to personal potential and their categorization in relation to the role in business. For a company like Tesco, it is a way to discover potential leaders and industry icons. The company deals with many aspects of internal training, and outsourcing training and customer service are the key aspects of learning while being part of Tesco. Internal transfers are made to develop and improve skills, and vocationa

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training is a part of the preparation procedures for these skills.

Tesco Jobs in organisational behaviour not only enhance employee learning to be part of the organization, but also emphasize the importance of injecting other crucial skills into quality packaging. It is noteworthy that having retail industry knowledge is essential for employees in the retail sector. Recognizing and increasing awareness about employee introduction is a crucial step for Tesco in terms of both quality and size. This ensures that new employees are familiar with the company's rules and working culture, which may differ from other management aspects. Regular team meetings and notes promote teamwork and collaboration, as individuals support each other in various ways. Additionally, there is a systematic method of internal communication with staff, which includes monthly newsletters, intranets, corporate reports, and staff feedback.

It is crucial for employees to be aware of the ongoing changes in society and how these changes impact the retail industry's growth, profitability, and image. In this literature, there is a strong emphasis on understanding and analyzing the relationship between corporate strategy and human resources strategy at Tesco. The classical concepts of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), business strategy management systems, and interconnected policies and practices are all interconnected within the organization. The report on corporate strategy for managing human resources is conducted by Shih, H A & Chiang, Y.H ( 2005 ).

According to Steyn (2003), the theory of strategic direction distinguishes between different types of schemes - company, commercial, operational, and political. The company scheme involves creating an operational scheme, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the organization. This scheme provides a focus and a way for corporate

communication and also plays a role in developing the strategy for implementing the communication program. Formulating and implementing strategies is an essential part of corporate strategies and involves structuring the organization to support good performance through organizational structures, processes, and contexts.

In their 2009 publication, Scholes, K Johnson, G Whittington, R discuss the role of business strategy in driving change within a retail establishment like Tesco. One crucial aspect of corporate strategy is ensuring employees are provided with financial security and implementing resourceful and innovative fiscal programs for their well-being and restraint. However, it is important for an organization of Tesco's caliber to strategically focus on human resources and effectively manage work while respecting individuals' rights and value to the company. A key component of the continuous improvement process involves effective management and control of the system.

Measurement, analysis, and reduction of fluctuations in consequences to more realistic bounds are necessary. The model should include organizing the HR pattern into groups with common goals. It also establishes rules for each group regarding the management, purpose, culture, and capabilities of the organization. Clear measures against which progress must be measured over time are also a possibility. The aspects that need to be discussed in detail include the nature of short-term and long-term HR strategy and its impact on business growth. It is also important to analyze the policy framework in regards to strict implementation in the UK, as well as its comparison with competitors' strategies such as ASDA's Strategy E, Morrison, and Sainsbury. Within the HR strategy framework, it is crucial to thoroughly discuss the recruitment and selection policies of major companies like Tesco, as well as their

gender equality policies.

The discussed item focuses on the company's recruitment procedure and emphasizes the need to make it efficient, transparent, and successful. Another crucial aspect of an effective HR program is conducting useful analysis of organizational culture and diversity. As a large company, the trader manages and supervises its activities. The concept of organizational culture has become a prominent topic in scientific research. Organizations establish a culture or work environment with the goal of gaining a competitive advantage, which is primarily achieved through customer service, employee engagement, and integration of technological innovation in product or service development. This culture can be seen as the organization's way of functioning, its atmosphere, or the characteristics of its individuals (Sims, RR, 2002). The paper will discuss the direction of the organizational review giants and propose measures to enhance its effectiveness.

However, it is important to recognize that in this scenario, the HR map plays a significant role as an agent of alteration in the treatment of work within the organization. It is the responsibility of HR to implement policies regarding disciplinary actions and other related matters. Different change management strategies are discussed in relation to various models of change management.

Change Management Model

In most cases, companies adopt the model of change management mentioned above to effectively manage change within their organizational hierarchies. However, a successful change management process requires a clear vision and dedicated management. Proper analysis is crucial, especially concerning financial implications, and the driving force behind organization-wide change is a pivotal factor. Other models, such as Kotler's model of change management, will be discussed in detail in the literature, along with discussions on the role of change agents.


alteration procedure involves the facilitators of alteration in human resources. The alteration agent, who is a leader, is responsible for reconfiguring organizational functions, duties, structures, and outcomes (Saka, A, 2002). The abilities of the alteration agent include clarity in defining objectives, activities, team building, communication skills, negotiation techniques, and influence skills to gain support for goals and objectives. However, the limitations of change management are more related to the perception of senior management regarding the need for change. During the implementation phase of strategic change, top managers expect lower managers and employees to act according to their strategic vision and plans (Joyce, P & Wiley, J., 2000). It is the responsibility of Tesco's management and executives to manage the changes as employees are not accountable for change management.

Kotler, JP ( 1995 ) discusses the elaborate treatments on the steps that can be taken by human resources to manage opposition to change. It is widely acknowledged that resistance to change plays a significant role in the success or failure of an organizational change effort (Waddell D & Sohail A.S, 1998). This resistance is primarily caused by fear of the unknown, economic insecurity, and a failure to recognize the importance of the change (Nadler, 1989). One crucial aspect of HR strategy that is extensively discussed is the motivational aspects.

Motivation plays a crucial role in the growth of an organization and in maximizing staff productivity. This literature will explore ways to increase motivation and will discuss in detail Herzberg and Maslow theories of motivation. One specific aspect that will be examined is employee training in the retail trade, as employees are key players in any organization. Empowerment,

engagement, and ownership by employees are important factors that greatly influence the distribution sector, as they impact customer confidence and focus.


It is essential to recognize the significance of HR strategies in a company such as Tesco, regardless of its size or status.

Effective human resource schemes have a profitable and productive impact on the growth of the company. HR plays a critical role in managing human resources. Motivating employees is crucial for increasing productivity and ensuring optimal performance. It is important to create a work environment that is free from politics and bureaucracy, considering the equality policy and an efficient management system that includes a unique rewards system. HR strategies are closely linked to corporate strategies, as they aim to achieve business objectives by effectively utilizing resources and considering economic implications. The recruitment policy should be transparent and create opportunities for young talent, while also emphasizing the importance of retaining experienced staff.

Although the work in the retail environment is important, it is crucial for staff to understand the significance of teamwork and cooperation, as well as how the operator can influence their teams to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Training of workers is also neglected in the retail sector, as establishments need to regularly develop workers to meet customer needs. Customer satisfaction is thoroughly explored in this literature, with Tesco being a notable example of a company that prioritizes customer orientation and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Tesco's strong reliance on online sales and marketing greatly influences its business strategy. The recruitment, selection, and retention of workers in Tesco are considered highly dependent on competitive strategies and analysis of rivals.

ASDA, a major player in the retail industry, competes

with Tesco, Sainsbury, and Morrison. It is known for its clear and focused approach to employee retention policies. Having a solid strategy is crucial for staying ahead of competitors.
The research methodology discussed by Collis and Hussey (2003) emphasizes the importance of a systematic approach in gathering and analyzing relevant information to solve problems and make informed decisions. Similarly, Gronhaug and Ghauri (2005) highlight the necessity of conducting thorough operations to identify and understand the underlying issues before making any decisions. Without adequate effort, resources, or procedures, no determination can be reached, no problem can be solved, and no question can be answered.The research conducted by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2003) emphasizes the importance of systematic procedures and research inquiries in order to carry out the study effectively. They present an extensive summary of the research methodology aspects in the Saunders Research Process Onion, which includes a model for selecting appropriate methods to collect data for the study. Both primary and secondary research will be conducted, with a focus on interviews and observations to identify issues related to employee satisfaction within the company and its reliance on golf literature.

Probes are important for identifying the level of employee satisfaction and can be utilized for data analysis.

Research Philosophy

Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill ( 2007 ) state that a research paradigm is "a perspective on researching social phenomena, particularly in understanding how these phenomena can be observed and explained". The research philosophy approach is all about how the researcher conducts their research. It largely depends on the beliefs of the researcher regarding what needs to be researched and what results and effectiveness they

expect to find. Many authors refer to this as the paradigm of philosophy. A research paradigm can also be described as the methodology employed for conducting research. There are four types of paradigms: functionalist, interpretative, radical humanist, and radical structural linguistics. Creswell ( 1994 ) quoted in Collis and Hussey ( 2003 ) mentions "the rationalist paradigm of quantitative and qualitative phenomenological paradigm".

Positivist attack focuses on societal phenomena without considering the individual's subjective experience, while the phenomenological paradigm seeks to understand human behavior from the perspective of the participant (p. 52-53). This study utilizes both quantitative and qualitative research methods to gather data and find a solution.

Research Design

The research plan is crucial as it provides the foundation for the study and ensures reliable and valid answers to the research question.

According to Selltiz et al (1981) in Jankowicz (2005), a survey was conducted to explore various techniques, attacks, and methods employed in data collection. It is deemed necessary to use different techniques depending on the specific problem, as using the same techniques for all problems may not yield accurate results. The use of appropriate techniques tailored to the problem at hand leads to generalizations. This study incorporates both primary and secondary data sources, with secondary sources including business magazines, articles, books, and the internet. Data was collected through quantitative and qualitative methods.

Research is a combination of both exploratory and explanatory (descriptive) approaches, as stated by Jankowicz (2005). These approaches are applied in different stages of research. The exploratory approach is used to gather information and specify the job, while the explanatory approach is used to analyze and depict the importance of employee retention, recruitment, and selection

in Tesco. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to collect data. The global theoretical model in Figure 3.2 illustrates the structure of the survey, which has been approved for this study. The types or methods of research execution are highlighted in bold or boxes.

Research Approach

According to Saunders, the research approach follows an onion model where the researcher develops theory, design, and research strategy to test the hypothesis.

There are two types of research attacks, namely deductive and inductive. However, in the context of this literature, the preferred and safest method is the assorted method attack. This is due to the size of the research and the different constituents of the literature.

Research Scheme

However, the research scheme is the generic program that is taken by the research worker to define the methods of data collection included in the study and the limits defined by the methods of investigation. There are different strategies for handling this, but this study will follow the research scheme. In this scheme, surveys will be used to identify trends, analyze behavior, and study key components such as employee satisfaction and recruitment and selection policies in Tesco.

Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

The main distinctions between qualitative and quantitative research paradigms are that qualitative research does not rely on statistical methods or strict boundaries of detection for its findings. Additionally, while quantitative research is primarily based on measurements, qualitative research utilizes methods such as data collection through observation and interviews, which can be subject to much debate in the literature. However, it is important to note that qualitative data can still be measured, suggesting that qualitative and quantitative aspects are

not mutually exclusive.

Ghauri, P & Gronhaug, K ( 2005 ) .


The negotiations are once more in qualitative research where information is acquired through interactions. It is always important for researchers to gather data directly from clients who are the main participants in this investigation. The interviews were conducted to assess employees' satisfaction levels and their needs that are addressed by the company.

The interview will be structured and focus on the relevance and details of clip direction, aiming to cover as much as possible in a short time.


Questionnaires are an important component of primary research. There are two types of questionnaires – permanent and indefinite.

The questionnaires will be completed by primarily used in this paper as stopping point ended questionnaires are not easy to gestate that lasting, but has a huge impact in terms of data analysis part of the literature. Questionnaires will be distributed to employees, subdivision directors, supervisors and other key participants Branch Tesco Gallant Reach.

Data Collection Methods and Instruments

Methods for collecting data are used in this study to collect basic data, which takes place interviews, focus groups, surveys and questionnaires. Focus on data collection Galliant Reach Tesco branch and the suspects are officers, managers, directors, branch manager and other key personnel. The data gathered will be used for statistical analysis to make interpretations of the behavior of stakeholders and their effects on the market.

Questionnaire design is important for gathering information in a closed-ended inquiry. Closed-ended inquiries are more effective for analyzing data compared to open-ended inquiries. This type of research aligns well with the thesis being conducted. The data collected from the questionnaire is analyzed using

Excel spreadsheet, which is a simple and easily understandable tool for data analysis.

Data analysis involves using statistical graphs such as pie charts, bar charts, and histograms. Secondary information is obtained from the company's website and study profiles found on the internet. Newspapers can also provide essential historical statistics for the analysis. The objective of the analysis is to discover a competitive advantage that Tesco enjoys compared to other retail giants like ASDA Internet Explorer, Morrisons, and Sainsbury.

Ethical Considerations

Regarding ethical considerations, this literature analyzed Tesco's ethical policy towards companies in the UK and their intellectual property rights., the company's website, follows a policy on copyright and intellectual property rights.

The public involvement in copyright protection acknowledges certain limitations. One such limitation, known as the fair use provision according to Goldstein (1994), allows for the use of information in this survey. However, it should be noted that this information is solely for the company's specific concern of intellectual property rights and should not be utilized for marketing purposes or any other reasons pertaining to this thesis.

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