Abortion Life or Death Essay Example
Abortion Life or Death Essay Example

Abortion Life or Death Essay Example

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  • Pages: 15 (4065 words)
  • Published: October 2, 2019
  • Type: Essay
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In ancient Rome, the practice of engaging in abortions and leaving unwanted children was permissible, but as society advanced, these behaviors became unacceptable to logical individuals. Consequently, in 1948, Canada and other countries worldwide reached a consensus on a United Nations declaration that ensures the right to life for all human beings.

The World Medical Association expressed strong support for the sanctity of human life from conception during a meeting held simultaneously in Geneva and Oslo. They emphasized that despite arguments favoring abortion, the unborn human should not be disregarded as a living being. Critics accuse advocates for these voiceless individuals of holding outdated beliefs; however, it is actually these supporters who rely on obsolete arguments.

It is an undeniable scientific fact that a new human life begins at conception. Only those who pri


oritize emotions over knowledge can challenge this truth; only those who are irrational or uninformed about science question that when a human sperm fertilizes a human egg, a new human being is formed.

A new individual possessing unique genes in its cells distinguishes this human from any other, while still belonging to the greater human family. The fetus requires time, nourishment, and a suitable environment to develop into a baby, child, and eventually an elderly person. The baby's gender, physical appearance resembling one parent or the other, and blood type are determined at the moment of conception. These hereditary traits remain fixed throughout the baby's life. Observing a fetus 8 weeks after conception, any person capable of distinguishing between males and females can determine whether it is a baby boy or girl. Contrary to an appendix or appendage, a fetus is not merely another par

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of a woman's body.

The appendages, tiny feel belonging to a 10 week developed baby, are separate from the mother. The fetus has its own heartbeat, which began just 18 days after conception, prior to the mother's awareness of her pregnancy. At 3 months into the pregnancy, the baby is small enough to be held in a man's hand but has fully formed and functioning organs and systems. The baby swims, grasps objects, moves freely, and excretes urine. If a sweet solution is injected into the surrounding water, the baby will ingest it because of its preference for taste.

Injecting a bitter solution can prevent him from swallowing due to the unpleasant taste. By 16 weeks, it becomes apparent to everyone, except those who choose to ignore the truth, that this is an unborn human being. The decision to continue or terminate the life of this young individual is being examined because abortion involves ending a human life. Regardless of the viewpoints from Women's Liberation Movement, new Feminists, Dr. Henry Morgentaler, or the Canadian Medical Association President on this matter, one indisputable fact remains unchanged.

The unchanging truth amidst shifting emotions is that if abortion is indeed the termination of a human life, there are two options for those arguing it should be a personal decision between a woman and her doctor. One option is to believe that acts of harm against fellow humans, such as infanticide and homicide, should not concern society and therefore not be subject to criminal legislation. However, it's difficult to believe this mindset prevails among the majority, despite doctors increasingly prioritizing parents' desires over necessary life-saving measures for newborns with defects. The second

option is that advocates for repealing abortion laws believe in different classifications of human beings who can arbitrarily assign varying values to their lives. It's undeniable that each individual assigns different levels of significance to different human beings; for example, my mother holds greater importance to me compared to you.

It is crucial to acknowledge that every person has an absolute and undeniable right to life. Sometimes, we tend to prioritize the well-being of our loved ones, causing us to perceive others as less important or less real. Some individuals might choose to receive news about the tragic loss of thousands in the Honduras flooding rather than learning about a serious accident involving their close friends or dear family members.

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There are individuals who perceive the mass killing of numerous unborn babies differently from the personal challenges faced by a pregnant woman in their vicinity. They rationalize this inconsistency by convincing themselves that an unborn child's life is of lesser value due to its lack of active social connections. Consequently, those who establish their own arbitrary standard for evaluating human life can dispose of it. While I agree that a fetus has not fully achieved its potential as a human being, neither have any of us. None of us will ever attain perfect humanity before our death. It is unjustifiable for those who may be more developed to possess the right to terminate our lives.

However, proponents of abortion assert their right to make decisions regarding their own bodies based on subjective criteria. To suggest that a 10-week-old fetus is less valuable than a newborn implies that a child is less valuable than an adult, and

an elderly person is worth less than a young adult. Such beliefs contradict claims of being civilized and humane. A society at the lowest level of civilization fails to protect its members. The treatment of vulnerable individuals reflects the true advancement of a society. If the poor, sick, disabled, mentally ill, and helpless are not safeguarded, then the society cannot be considered as developed as one where their protection is assured.

Society's growing maturity leads to increased respect for the dignity and rights of all individuals. The purpose of societal laws is to protect and support all members, ensuring no harm is inflicted by one person or group onto another. In Canadian society, every member has a significant interest in the chosen value system regarding vulnerable individuals like the weak, aged, disabled, and unborn. This also extends to determining who holds the authority over life and death.

In 1969, Canada implemented changes to its abortion laws allowing abortions to be legal under certain circumstances. These circumstances involve a committee of three accredited hospital doctors determining that continuing the pregnancy poses a severe threat to the woman's life or health (both mental and physical). However, there is room for interpretation in defining what constitutes a "threat to health." It can include genuine medical conditions or anything affecting social or economic well-being, thus making any unwanted or unplanned pregnancy eligible.

Psychiatrists have different opinions on the long-term impact of unwanted pregnancies on a woman's mental well-being. Nevertheless, objective studies reveal undeniable facts when examined impartially.

According to the World Health Organization in 1970, mentally ill women who undergo abortion do not experience an improvement in their health. In fact, those with

prior mental issues are more prone to developing psychiatric disorders after having an abortion. Therefore, individuals who are eligible for legal abortion on psychiatric grounds are at the highest risk.

On the other hand, mentally healthy women who face an unwanted pregnancy tend to maintain their mental well-being regardless of whether they choose abortion or continue with the pregnancy. It is unjustifiable to terminate a human life based on temporary emotional distress alone. Obstetricians and gynaecologists have encountered numerous cases where mothers initially contemplated abortion but later expressed gratitude towards those who refrained from performing it, irrespective of their marital status.

Medical Examiner Ft. John L. Grady from the Florida State Attorney's Office reveals that many women have encountered mental health problems and guilt after having an abortion, which can result in intense feelings of guilt, depression, and psychiatric disorders. Previously, there were concerns about a higher likelihood of suicide among individuals who were denied abortions.

Extensive research and data analysis have debunked concerns about the suicide risk among pregnant women. In fact, pregnant women in the child-bearing age group have a much lower suicide rate compared to non-pregnant women. A comprehensive study conducted over 10 years in England focused on unmarried mothers who were denied abortions, and it found that their suicide rate was even lower than that of the overall population. Similarly, in Minnesota over a span of 15 years, there were only 14 recorded cases of maternal suicides, most occurring postpartum.

Although none of the individuals were pregnant under illegitimate circumstances, they all had psychotic conditions. However, in the United Kingdom, two out of the first eight female deaths after abortion occurred as a result of

suicide immediately following the procedure due to lenient laws. Are there any medical justifications for abortions? Is it ethically acceptable for a doctor to support the decision to terminate a pregnancy? The deceased Dr.

According to Guttmacher, an abortion advocate, abortion may be necessary to save a woman's life in cases of cancer or leukemia. This viewpoint is also shared by opponents of abortion who see pregnancy resulting from rape or incest as a tragic situation. Although rape is a horrendous crime, it is unjustifiable to hold any blame for the unborn child it might conceive. Incest is even more reprehensible; however, Jewish law has long maintained that the sin committed by a father against his daughter does not justify aborting the resulting child. Both rape and incest cause significant emotional and physical trauma for young girls and women.

Is it fair to make the mother feel guilty for ending the life of a being that was partly her own? Throughout history, when pregnant women committed crimes and faced death as punishment, their execution was delayed until after they gave birth. This was based on the belief that an innocent child should not be punished for its mother's actions. But now, are we punishing that child for crimes committed against the mother? In cases of rape, it is crucial for the victim to promptly report the incident. By doing so, it increases the chances of apprehending and convicting the rapist, providing treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, and preventing unwanted pregnancies. We must prioritize comprehensive sex education for our children while vehemently opposing pornography. Removing materials like newsstands, literature, "Adult Movies," and television programs from our society is

necessary as they contribute to rape and undermine morality and good behavior.

Despite the discussions surrounding fetal reasons for abortion, it is clear that the procedure does not offer any therapeutic advantages to the fetus. The act of terminating a pregnancy cannot be seen as a constructive method of treatment. Dr. Hellegers, an expert from John Hopkins Hospital, highlighted that while it may appear that abortion is being performed in the best interest of the fetus, it is actually carried out with adults as the primary consideration. There is no proof to indicate that a baby with congenital or birth defects would willingly opt not to be born since they lack the ability to express their opinions.

Contrary to expectations, individuals born with congenital disabilities do not have a higher suicide rate than the general population, indicating that they appreciate the value of life. It is unlikely for someone to voluntarily opt for death when all we know is life. Presently, there are ongoing efforts to develop methods for detecting potential problems in at-risk babies prior to birth. This complex procedure involves sampling and examining the fluid surrounding the fetus.

Considering the termination of infants with confidential defects, both pre and post-birth, along with individuals we categorize as defective, it is not unexpected that hospitals in North America are determining the destiny of newborns, elderly individuals, or those with incurable illnesses. Nevertheless, what constitutes a defect? Hitler viewed being 1/4 Jewish as a congenital defect that warranted denying the right to life. You might have come across this anecdote: One doctor seeks another doctor's viewpoint on aborting a pregnancy due to the father having syphilis (a venereal disease).


mother had tuberculosis, resulting in the formation of small lumps on her skin. Among her four children, one was visually impaired, another passed away, the third suffered from hearing and speech impairments, and the fourth also contracted tuberculosis. If presented with the option, an individual proposes terminating the pregnancy. Nonetheless, they are reminded that such a decision would have prevented Beethoven's birth.

Given that the Abortion Act of 1969 permitted 40,000 legally conducted abortions in our nation during 1973, numerous individuals fervently support unrestricted abortion access.

The press and media, with a misguided perception, persist in presenting fictional ideas as truth. They claim that most Canadians support the legalization of abortion. However, a survey conducted by the Toronto Star in March 1989 provides contrasting information. The survey shows that 35% of participants believed abortion was already easily accessible, while 26% thought it was too difficult to obtain. Furthermore, 19% considered it appropriate and 21% did not offer an opinion. Notably, men were more likely than women to view it as excessively challenging. Even if there is majority support for legalizing abortion, its morality cannot be determined solely based on this fact.

Centuries ago, the majority of Americans supported slavery. It is crucial for our elected leaders to possess wisdom and integrity in promoting what is morally right, rather than pursuing politically advantageous actions. A commonly cited argument for unrestricted abortion is that women should have control over their own bodies. However, should this notion extend to allowing the termination of a human life? Dr. Edwin Connow questions whether women should have the right to engage in what essentially amounts to the judicial execution of a living being, rather

than just a potential life like a cat or a chicken. In society, individuals do not have complete freedom to do as they please with their bodies; for example, they are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs and then drive on Young Street. While there is significant concern for the innocent victims of hijackings, how does abortion differ from this? Abortion essentially involves forcefully taking away the life of an innocent passenger from their mother's womb.

Should we allow individuals to decide whether or not to hijack? Supporters of the abortion law liberalization campaign aim to make safe and accessible abortion available to all who seek it during pregnancy. However, other groups have imposed restrictions on abortion on demand, such as a time limit for the pregnancy and a requirement for the procedure to be performed in an accredited hospital. Before discussing the reality of safe abortions, I will outline a method for obtaining an abortion. Prior to 13 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix is dilated, which is a relatively simple procedure for women who have previously given birth but more challenging for those who have not. Many hospitals administer a suction apparatus, which is considered safer and better than the curettal scraping method, to remove the products of conception. After 13 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is too large to be removed using this method. Consequently, a dangerous injection solution into the womb, known as the salting out method, may be performed. This method induces a miniature labor in the mother, resulting in the expulsion of a very dead and often skinned baby after a certain period of time.

In certain hospitals, due to the

potential harm it poses to the mother, a procedure similar to a miniature Caesarean section called a hysterotomy may be necessary. Additionally, there exist numerous other methods of abortion. Now, let us examine the ramifications of granting permission to terminate the life of an individual who is too small to express their own need for protection. Suction curettage abortion is not as straightforward as a pelvic examination conducted in a doctor's office, like the one performed by Dr.

According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal (as reported by Statistics Canada), the complication rate for immediate complications of early abortion in Canada is 4.5%. However, Morgentaler and the television program W5 may deceive us into thinking they are doing a disservice to young women in Canada. The Wyn report, which includes statistics from 12 counties, indicates that women who have undergone previous induced abortions experience a permanent impairment in their ability to bear children in the future. Infertility may increase by 5-10%, and there is up to a 4 times higher chance of having a pregnancy in the fallopian tube for these women.

The risk of premature delivery increases by up to 50%. Prematurity is the most common cause of mental or physical defects, such as cerebral palsy, in infants. Therefore, it can be said that doctors who perform numerous abortions in countries like Mexico or Canada may not be providing a beneficial service to women and their families. While these doctors claim that abortion rarely has complications, they fail to mention that they may refuse further treatment after the procedure, leaving women to handle any post-abortion issues on their own. Advocates for repealing abortion laws argue

that despite this, legal abortions are still safer for women than illegal ones.

I do not dispute that liberalized abortion laws exist, but the issue lies in their effectiveness. Despite these laws, illegal and back street abortions continue to occur. In fact, in some cases, the number of illegal abortions may even increase or remain stagnant instead of decreasing. There are still individuals who prefer to take matters into their own hands or seek anonymity elsewhere. In addition, another factor contributing to the overall number of people seeking abortions, whether legal or illegal, is the rise in overall pregnancy rates due to a lack of contraception precautions. Shockingly, some women may even undergo multiple abortions within the span of one full-term pregnancy. One must question whether allowing doctors to give young girls the choice of life or death for their unborn child is truly an act of kindness. By terminating the pregnancy of a 16-year-old this year under the guise of informed consent, we may potentially prevent her from having one or two children in the future when she is happily married, ten years from now.

Repealing the abortion law does not ensure safe termination of pregnancies for all women. Would it be safer to restrict abortions to accredited hospitals? Yes, it would be safer for women but not for the fetus. However, it would also have negative consequences for the community, as it would result in the misuse of medical resources, hospital facilities, and finances. In 1989 alone, there were approximately 31,739 abortions performed in Ontario, costing OHIP about 9 million dollars. In countries like the U.S.A and the United Kingdom, legalizing abortions has transformed

illegal providers into legal operators. Now, patients enter through the front door of the office instead of the back door.

It has been suggested that if abortions were easily accessible, there would be fewer children born and the delivery suites and postnatal beds could be used for abortions. However, as I have mentioned before, the liberalization of abortion does not actually decrease the birth rate. There would be little increase in available facilities or doctor's time. Due to the complexity of the procedure and the increased difficulty as pregnancy progresses, patients seeking abortions are admitted as urgent cases or emergencies. This means that other members of the community have to wait longer for their hospital bed or necessary surgeries. The cost of these abortions would be covered by Medicare, which means it would ultimately be paid for by you and me. Although a full-term pregnancy costs more than an abortion, the difference in cost is not significant.

It is said that the cost of three abortions is equivalent to the cost of the changes in climate or the decision to support or end the life of an unborn child. Instead of spending this money on destructive actions, it should be utilized for constructive purposes. The proposition of allowing abortions upon request has been put forth in order to ensure that access to abortion is equal for all, regardless of financial status. However, it has unfortunately been observed that doctors who perform abortions are motivated primarily by financial gain, as witnessed in both the United States and Britain. Proponents argue that allowing women to have abortions as they choose is a fundamental right and would result in the

prevention of unwanted children in the country.

This is the desperate final emotional plea of individuals, willing to pay any price, in order to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Both in Canada and here, nobody wants to see the existence of unwanted children within this city, this country, or even this world. There is no situation more distressing or heart-wrenching than an unwanted fetus developing into an unwanted infant, which then grows into an unwanted child, eventually transforming into a bitter adult. However, only a few would consider it morally acceptable to kill an unwanted baby in order to prevent it from becoming an unwanted child. Therefore, how can one justify the act of killing an unwanted fetus, who is even more vulnerable than a newborn baby, simply because it might become an unwanted child? From the moment a woman becomes pregnant, she is already a parent, regardless of her willingness or intention.

The act of ceasing someone's status as a parent can only occur through natural death or deliberate killing. However, killing should not be seen as a solution for people deemed unwanted, regardless of their age. While Hitler believed in this approach, Canadians certainly do not. It is concerning how our permissive and fearful society fails to develop the necessary skills to manage population growth, civil unrest, criminality, poverty, and even our own sexual behaviors. Yet, we are quick to launch uncontrolled and devastating attacks on defenseless lives in their earliest stages.

Let us gather all our financial, educational, and social resources, along with our human concern and passion for others. It is crucial to make knowledge of conception and contraceptive methods accessible to

everyone. We should also extend our love and support to those individuals in this country who are not wanted by their biological parents. It's worth mentioning that there is no need to explain the reality of so-called unwanted children. In Toronto and other major cities in our country, the Children's Aid Societies have more potential adoptive parents who are eager and willing to adopt infants and young children than there are children available for adoption. Therefore, let us unite our technology and humanity to help those who are unfortunate.

And to conclude, I would like to share with you a letter that a Birthright member received. Dear Birthright: I have heard about the work you do in helping those in need. My husband and I, who are in our late 20's and have been married for 7 years, had been waiting for 3 years before finally becoming the proud adoptive parents of a beautiful baby girl last autumn.

This is how you can support us: inform any unwed mother who chooses to place her baby for adoption that we deeply care for her. We view these girls as incredibly generous, charitable, kind, devoted, and loving mothers. We understand that she must have carried her child out of love, or in today's society, she could have explored options like abortion.

We will forever be grateful for the devotion and effort she dedicated to us during the 9-month period. It is possible that we may never comprehend the extent of our admiration for her, as she is undoubtedly the most affectionate individual in existence. Informing our daughter, Jenny, as she matures, that she has two sets of parents will undoubtedly

aid our cause. We will ensure that she is aware of the circumstances surrounding her arrival into our lives. Unfortunately, her biological mother did not possess a stable home or a father figure to provide love and care.

She had such a deep love for her daughter that she couldn't bear to see her grow up without the love of both parents and all the elements that create a joyful household. We will inform Jenny that her biological mother often thinks of her and wonders how she is doing. Her love for her child will always remain. Hopefully, one day our heartfelt thoughts will reach Jenny's biological mother. Her actions demonstrated trust in humanity, optimism for her daughter's future, and affection towards us.

We believe that the powerful love she has for her child allowed her to entrust us with her precious baby. We have confidence that as Jenny matures and discovers that she was placed with us out of love rather than being abandoned by her biological mother, both Jenny and her birth mother will find peace. Thank you.

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